Car Storage
Search 1,000’s of local storage options and find your perfect space.
Reserve your space. You’re protected with our $5,000 Goods & Property Guarantee.
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Arrange a time to move in! We’ll manage monthly payments and are here to help 7 days a week.
There are many different reasons why people need accessible and secure car storage. Some car owners need a safe place for their pride-and-joy vintage car. Others need a place to park their kid’s vehicle while they’re away at university or abroad. Some just need a place to store the family car while the garage is being renovated or the driveway repaved.
Whatever your situation, you can trust Spacer to connect you with the perfect storage location for your car for however long you need. We have thousands of listings from Melbourne, to Brisbane, to Sydney and beyond so that you’ll easily find a car storage solution in your region.
Finding the right space is simple. We offer a variety of search filters so that you can find the exact car storage unit you need. For instance, if security is your main concern, you can search car storage spots with CCTV or 24-hour surveillance. You can change the search radius and price range. You can even specify if you want covered parking, a locked garage, or an open driveway. With such a customized search, the listing you find will absolutely fit your expectations and give you peace of mind.
Once you’ve picked out a potential parking spot, you’ll be able to ask the Host questions and arrange a time to drop off your car. All payments will go through our site, and you’ll be able to contact us any time you have any questions. We pride ourselves on being able to offer some of the cheapest parking solutions in the country while also providing a money-back guarantee should your storage space not be as described.
With Spacer, you’ll breathe easy knowing your car is in good hands.
How to Prep Your Car For Storage
Once you’ve found a car storage spot in your city, you’ll want to prepare your car for the upcoming hibernation. Cars aren’t built to sit in rest for too long, so here are a few ways to make sure they stay in good condition in the long-term.
Step One: Make sure the paperwork is in order
Just like you would pay your bills before going on vacation, it’s crucial that your car’s paperwork is in order before you put it into storage. Once everything has been updated and paid for, make copies so that one set of paperwork goes in the car, and you keep one at home. This is purely for peace of mind, so feel free to keep a digital copy, instead.
Step Two: Clean and declutter
Cleaning out the inside of your car isn’t just so that you can come back to a clean vehicle when you take it out of storage. Actually, items that are left inside of your vehicle, especially if they’re perishable, can lead to damage to the interior, while attracting unwanted pests, so don’t skip this step!
Once you’ve cleared out all of the perishable items, here are a couple of things that you should make sure are not left in your car:
- Flashlight, or any electronic that uses batteries
- Sunblock - the chemical components can lose their effectiveness over time
- Beauty products - you just don’t want the mess of melted lipsticks.
- Plastic water bottles or food containers - temperature changes can cause the plastic to break down and leak into food and beverages
Aerosol cans - these are also susceptible to heat damage
If there are any items that you want to store with your car, make sure that they are stored in a durable plastic bin that can fit in the boot. This step will protect your items from any rodents or insects.
You’re also going to want to give the entire car a thorough vacuuming to pick up any crumbs that would attract animals.
Step Three: Take care of the engine
It’s a good idea to get your car serviced before putting it into storage. This means topping off the oil and other fluids, checking all belts and filters and changing them if necessary, and making sure the battery is fully charged. That said, if you’re going to be storing your car for 6 months or longer, it’s a good idea to disconnect and remove the battery completely to store in a dry, temperature-controlled place.
If the battery is going to stay in the car, make a plan to start the engine up every two weeks and take the car for a short drive. Make sure that you check in with the Host to see how you might go about checking in on your car or giving a friend permission to come start it for you if you’re going to be traveling during the time that your car is in storage.
It’s also important to fill up on fuel. If your car will be in storage for longer than 3 months, you might also consider adding a stabilizer to prevent the fuel from breaking down in the tank.
Step Four: Tyres and Exterior
We suggest that you inflate your tyres before putting them into storage. The rule of thumb used to be that if you were storing your car for months at a time, that you lift it up with jacks to prevent flat spots on your tyres. However, with the more modern tyre technology that we have today, that’s not much of an issue. Simply inflate them - over-inflating a bit is actually good.
When you put your car into storage, it’s crucial that you give the outside a good wash, to protect your car’s paint against damage. In coastal cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, etc., it will also lower the risk of salt corrosion.
No matter where you live, a good car cover is essential to protect your car from dust and dirt. And, if you’re living in a city that is especially humid - we’re looking at you Sydney and Brisbane - choosing the right car cover is even more important. Fabric covers are better than tarp and plastic-based covers because they won’t trap as much moisture.
Find the right storage solution for your car, today!
With these simple steps, your car will be ready to settle down comfortably in its new temporary home.
Parking a car can be a hazardous activity. Whether you are looking for a short term secure car parking or storage option or a long term vehicle self storage solution for a prized classic car or even your racing car, Spacer specialises in finding convenient and affordable parking or storage for you. Garaged or open, driveway or unpaved, Spacer will find a suitable storage option for what you need.

If you need particular storage and security for your car, let us know and we will arrange for our Spacer Butler to meet your needs. We have a number of short & long term car storage sites in and around the inner city in commercial garages, carports and even driveways. It is quick, simple and convenient so get searching for your car storage today.
Tips, Tricks and Ideas
Whether it be in the densely populated Sydney or enjoying Perth on the other side of Australia, storing your car is always a useful and important part of life. There are all sorts of ways to store your vehicle, or even take care of it before storing it.

When storing your vehicle for a month or longer, it’s important to maintain its condition. Cars are meant to run and benefit from being driven on a regular basis. When this stops, your engine may not be able to start again upon your return. Leave a set of keys for friends or family so that they can drive your vehicle around or even just turn on the engine for a half hour in order to keep the engine running smoothly, so that when you return, your vehicle will continue to run for you. If a friend or family member is unable to drive your car in order to maintain the engine, you can always recharge the battery with an electrical plug-in charger.
Tyre Pumping and Oil Change
It may sound tedious but pumping up the tyres is very handy before putting your car into storage. That way, you don’t come home to find that you have to repump one or more tyres because they’re flat from lack of use. An oil change before travelling is also a good idea to think about, since old oil thickens up over time and makes it hard for the engine to restart. Additionally, if you’re going to be unable to drive your car for a long period of time, use a fuel stabiliser before you leave, so that the already existing petrol sitting in the tank will not disintegrate. Don’t forget to run the engine for a few minutes to get everything circulated before leaving.

Waxing and Polishing
Washing your car before storing it is something to think about before going away. Add a coat of wax and polish it into your exterior so that it’s easier to remove any dirt or dust that collects onto it while you’re away. In addition to the wax coat, you might also consider purchasing or using a car cover in order to give an added protective layer to your car from dirt, liquids, dust or any potentially harming substances that could damage your car exterior.
Pest Control
Insects and other bugs are potential threats to both the interior and exterior of your vehicle as they can get into your exhaust pipe and air vents and clog the airways. You can solve this by using steel wool to block your exhaust pipe and prevent their entrance. Just remember to take out the steel wool before driving your vehicle again.

Car Insurance
Car insurance is something not many people think of when they go on holidays. However it is critical in terms of legally being able to drive your car in Australia. Insurance companies, upon finding out that you’ve been driving an uninsured vehicle, could raise your insurance rates up exponentially because you are a higher risk case. This can also come in handy in the event of something happening to your car when it’s in storage. Your insurance will cover it even if you’re away from home, so it’s better to take a safer route and pay insurance while you’re away.

Final Checks
When you do come back from a long trip, it’s crucial that you don’t just drive your vehicle straight away. Conduct checks under your hood to make sure that no bugs or rodents have damaged or chewed through wires, pump up any flat tyres and check to see if the brakes on your car are working. After washing your vehicle and checking to see if everything’s plugged in properly and everything’s running as it should, you’ll be able to get back on the road.

Classic and Antique Models
For more antique vehicles, extra care and maintenance is needed. You can raise your classic ride on jack stands so that it remains elevated off the ground and prevents the tyres from getting flat spots, which happens to all vehicles that are put into storage. This can apply to all vehicles put into long-term storage, not just the classic and antique models. Jack stands can leave rust stains if used for long periods of time, so a good idea to combat this is using plywood under the stands before elevating your vehicle.
There are a multitude of spaces and garages that will be suitable for storing your vehicle. Find one that suits your tastes and store your vehicle with Spacer today.