Office equipment and Inventory Management
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Anyone who has run a small or medium sized business knows that getting your warehousing and office storage space needs right is a hard task. Spacer provides a self storage solution for SMEs to manage spare office furniture (chairs, desks, computers, filing cabinets, stationery) or even inventory overflow to manage peak and off peak sales periods.
Because you are not locked in on long term lease or rental contracts, Spacer helps you find safe and secure storage solutions to house business inventory and equipment on a short or long term basis. It’s flexible, cheap storage and is available as and when you need it. We have a number of shared business office storage spaces, with security systems and locked areas restricting access so you have absolute confidence that your materials are safe.
However, there are some things that you might want to take into consideration before storing away your inventory and equipment, such as taking stock of your current inventory. Here are some hints that will help you with your inventory and equipment management in the future.
Tips and Tricks
Taking care of your inventory management of office equipment and supplies takes time and discipline, as employees will be in and out of the supply room constantly, leaving you with a lot of untracked inventory. There needs to be a system in place before allowing entry into the supply room.

Assign one person or a group of people
A more foolproof way to manage inventory and office equipment is to have an office supplies and inventory manager within your team that distributes these supplies to all, as well as those who need more of specific items. That way, they can keep track of the stock, thereby leaving the rest of the team to concentrate on what they have to do for the day. To ensure that they take care to accurately report inventory, training in tracking office supplies is available, equipping them with the necessary skills.

Create a Logbook
Another way to manage your inventory is to create a logbook for team members to fill in what they’ve taken from the supply room. Make sure that they always fill it out as you don’t want to miss any of the items that they’ve taken. Fill in details of what the item is and how many you’ve taken. That way, you will be able to calculate the numbers a lot easier without having to recount. You might still have to train yourself and team members with the necessary skills to keep up with inventory management.

Determine when it’s time to reorder
This is an important step as your levels of stock available to team members will need to be replaced regularly. If your team constantly needs staples, you might want to make the next order larger to deal with the demand. Also, factor in the amount of time it takes for your order to arrive as well. If it takes up to 2 weeks for an order to arrive, make sure that you order it with plenty of time to spare before your current supply runs out. That’s why you need to determine the lowest amount your supplies can get to before you issue a reorder to replenish your stocks. If there is a particular item or items that your team doesn’t use often, you might be able to reduce the replenishing of these items in the future. This also goes for more expensive items that your team might need, like tables and chairs, printers and other appliances that might be used in an office. These items don’t need to be replaced regularly, however things like pens and paper need to be constantly refilled. Keep this in mind as you decide to replenish, allowing you to be cost-effective.
Quality of the supplies
When choosing the suppliers that you’ll get your office equipment and inventory from, you want to make sure that the quality of the products are high. It might be good to do some research before you decide to order anything, because you want to have several quotes on things and check the quality of the product available before making your final decision. You can also create a proposal for your team to look at and see if they approve of your supply decision.
Sometimes, if you order too much stock and find that you’re unable to fit all the inventory into your office or supply room, you might want to consider storing the rest in an off-site space. Spacer offers a wide assortment of storage spaces to choose from. Just select one that matches your requirements, whether it be dry conditions, key card accessible or both and then move your supplies into storage.